despre mine / about me

About Cosmin-Ovidiu Manci

Hello everyone and welcome to my website!

Like you have already seen or maybe you know my name is Cosmin Ovidiu Manci and I worked as a biologist at the Retezat National Park Administration in Romania. From 1 september 2009 I left the job from Retezat National Park and now I try to concentrate more on my PhD.

Ever since I was a young boy I was passionate about nature, plants, bugs, animals…you name it. I used to spend endless hours surrounded by a fantastic world, and as I grew up this feeling didn’t leave (I think that only grow with me in the same time). After finishing the primary school I continued my studies at the Forestry Highschool in Timișoara, and after this, one of the obvious choice (at least for me) was to study Biology. This was done at the Timișoara West University. I finished my MD at the “Babeș–Bolyai” University in Cluj with a paper on romanian Odonata. In present I am continuing my studies with a PhD at the “Babeș-Bolyai” University… again on dragonflies.

During these years I was involved in different projects and published several papers.

Any time it is possible I try to freeze some of the moments I am fortunate to see in nature. I do this in photos… and all these websites are in part because of this.

CV as pdf for download



DSLR Collecting Saves Lives!

“Only after the last tree has been cut down,
only after the last river has been poisoned,
only after the last fish has been caught,
only then will you find that money can not be eaten.”
an old indian sayingn saying

4 Responses to “despre mine / about me”

  1. Szallassy Noemi Says:
    April 30th, 2009 at 8:17 am


    daca crezi,lista publicatiilor poate fi completata cu o publicatie aparuta anul trecut:

    Szállassy N. 2008: Date preliminarii privind fauna de odonate (Insecta: Odonata) de pe braţele moarte ale râului Tur – Flora şi fauna rezervaţiei naturale „Râul Tur”, vol II (1): 51- 54.

    In curand ti-o trimit in pdf.

    Vei fi conectat de un coleg de al meu din Cehia, interesat de date de Cordulegaster.

    cu bine,


  2. Buna Noemi,

    am lucrarea ta, am si cateva intrebari si observatii legate de ea (ai cumva messenger? daca da, ID-ul meu este cosminovidiu).

    mai sunt mai multe lucrari de adaugat in acea lista, inclusv publicate de mine sau la tipar doar ca nu am mai apucat sa lucru acum aici… o sa vina un update major cat de curand.

    in regula cu acea conectare ;).

    poate mai vorbim pe messenger,

  3. Piotr Bialooki Says:
    March 1st, 2011 at 5:42 pm

    Dear Colleague,
    You posted nice photo of Otiorhynchus sp. determined on Italian website as O. cymophanus. However, the depicted specimens is not this species. It belongs to the subgenus Magnanotius and it is probably kollari or rufomarginatus (probably male). O. cymphanus is known to occur in extreme SW of Romania (Banat)only.
    Best wishes,
    Piotr Bialooki

  4. Dear Piotr,

    I have no idea on this group… just collecting one from time to time, specially for photographing purposes.
    I have posted your comment on the italian forum (… for now I have ommited your name from the message (I was not sure about how you will think about this).
    Are you a member there? if not I think you can join and for sure will be a win-win situation 🙂 .

    Hope to see you there,

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